Day One 1.9.6 Mac Download


Day One is available for Mac OS X 10.13 and later. The mobile version works on iOS 11.0 and up. Is there a better alternative? This software is only beaten by its mobile counterpart, the Day One Journal, which is much more convenient to use. Evernote is a useful alternative on Mac as well.

Meta 1.9.6

Meta helps you manage your ever-growing digital music collection. Use it to easily edit information such as a song’s artist, title, album, album cover, etc. It supports editing of most audio formats such as MP3, MP4, M4A, FLAC, Ogg, OGA, SPX, WAV, AIFF, and a variety of metadata formats including ID3v1, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4, iTunes MP4, Vorbis comments, and APE tags.


  • A polished, intuitive user interface that adopts OS X’s standards
  • Write metadata to multiple files at once (Batch Tag Editing)
  • Remove all metadata from files (Strip Tags)
  • Change typecase (capitalise, upper/lowercase, titlecase), strip underscores
  • Rename files based on their metadata or instead, convert filenames to metadata
  • Find and Replace characters, words, or strings in metadata, with support for regular expressions (patterns)
  • Add selected tracks to iTunes, or refresh their metadata using a simple keyboard shortcut
  • Automatically generate track numbers
  • Benefit from built in file management operations (Move, Delete, Reveal in Finder)
  • Interface is compatible with Retina displays

Album covers can easily be set or exported via drag-and-drop, and it is possible to configure Meta so that it scales, crops, and compresses images each time a new image is set, so as to keep your audio files’ size to a minimum.

Compatibility: OS X 10.19 or later 64-bit


Tried this one and the official download (even the portable one), all result in the WRONG display language being used and no option to change it. Screenshots clearly show English, that is not what I'm seeing.
In most situations this auto detection might be correct but not 100% of the time. If you can provide auto detection and want money for the software, you can provide manual settings as well.
This is a major issue and should be corrected in the next version of all 4K applications as all 4K applications I tried has this problem.

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Day One 1.9.6 Mac Download Torrent

Reply | Comment by Matt 4 years ago Did you find this comment useful?yes|no(+4)

Matt, Had a little look into where the settings are stored and time for some more of TK's ramblings....
Bear in mind assuming the installer language selection was English I have no idea what went wrong for you but I have learnt the so called portable version is NOT truly portable as it uses a systems registry key to store the programs settings, the same key as used by the normal installed program.
The registry key in question is at:
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftware4kdownload.com4K Stogram
find the String value 'locale' The value for that string for English Language is 'en'
point of interest in that same key are all the URL's used in the Help menu too.

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Reply | Comment by TK 4 years ago Did you find this comment useful?yes|no(+2)

TK, thanks. The 'locale' entry was not there. I added it and set it to 'en' and tried the software. It now shows in English. I additionally gave the (not quite so) portable one a shot and it shown in English as well (then again since it is using the same registry entries, it should).
I additionally gave another 4K application a try, again it was in the wrong language. I added the same reg entry to the registry for that application, and it then also started showing in English.
This is a simply fix however it needs to be added to the software as an option and not be left to the user to edit the Windows registry to make the setting.

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Day One 1.9.6 Mac Download Windows 10

Reply | Comment by Matt 4 years ago Did you find this comment useful?yes|no(+1)